Picoway Resolve Laser Skin Treatment: The 411

Not many people know about the wonders of the Picoway Laser technology, as it’s currently one of the newest, most advanced laser systems in the Ottawa, Ontario Region.The days of buying countless skin creams and moisturizers can now cease; let the power of Picoway lasers bring back the beauty to your skin. In this article, we’ll give you all the 4-1-1 on what to expect before booking your next laser skincare procedure with PicoWay Resolve Lasers, treatment guidelines, and more. Continue to read and discover what Fade Aesthetics can do for your skin.

What Conditions are treated by Picoway Lasers?

PicoWay is more than just a tattoo removal system. And sometimes, people may get it confused with other laser systems on the market, but this system has yet to be matched. With it’s multifaceted handpieces like the Resolve or Fusion, PicoWay has the ability to to rectify countless skin ailments and such as:

– Dark Spots
– Fine Lines
– Acne Scars
– Birthmarks
– Pigmented Lesions
– Scars
– Sun Damage
– Stretch Marks
– Wrinkles

Picoway Resolve Laser For Skin Rejuvenation

If you heard of Picoway Lasers, you might associate it with tattoo removal, however it’s more than just a resource for removing tattoo ink. PicoWay has the power to rejuvenate your skin, eliminate dark spots, and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is done by penetrating deep into the epidermis and dermis (layer of the skin that lies beneath the epidermis). As it reaches these layers, PicoWay laser technology then creates microscopic holes in the skin, allowing it to fill up with collagen and elastin. After several sessions, results of even skin tone, clarity, and texture are obtained. It can also even out skin irregularities such as pigmentation. Picoway lasers are photo-acoustic rather than photo-thermal, this means that the skin will not overheat while undergoing treatment. Traditional, older lasers tend to have a photo-thermal effect, which can usually cause more discomfort among clients. Here at Fade Aesthetics, we are committed to giving the best service possible, with the ability to work with various skin types – the picoway system is perfect for people of color as well.

Picoway Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Guidelines

What to do before the Picoway Laser Procedure?

Be sure to inform the provider regarding any current or past medical condition, disease, or medication(s) that you take. Skin that has been recently tanned cannot be treated. Avoid exposure to excessive sunlight, tanning booths, and self-tanning skin care products during the 2 weeks leading up to your appointment (and throughout the complete treatment period).

4-7 days before your PicoWay® Resolve™ treatment, avoid these products and/or procedures:

  • Electrolysis
  • Waxing
  • Depilatory Creams
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • BOTOX® injections (should wait 1 week)

3-5 days before your PicoWay® Resolve™ treatment, avoid these products and/or procedures:

  • Retin-A®, Renova®, Differin®, Tazorac®
  • Any products containing retinol, alpha -hydroxy acid (AHA), beta-hydroxy acid (BHA), or benzoyl peroxide
  • Any exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating
  • Patients who have had medical cosmetic facial treatments or procedures (e.g. laser therapy, surgical procedures, cosmetic filler, microdermabrasion, etc.) should wait until skin sensitivity completely resolves

Day of your Picoway Resolve Treatment

  • Please cleanse face of any makeup before each session
  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to appointment to review safety procedures.

What happens during the Picoway Procedure?

  • Your eyes will be protected from the picoway lasers
  • You will feel a slight discomfort and/or a sensation of a rubber band snapping on the skin
  • Each brown spot will be targeted by the picoway laser system until it’s completely covered.
  • Cold air may be applied to the skin to help decrease the sensation of heat.
  • Slight discomfort may occur depending on the sensitivity of your skin.


What occurs after the Picoway Procedure?

  • You may notice an opaque appearance over the treated area(s). This will diminish shortly after the procedure.
  • The appearance of bruising or purple hue over or around the treated area is common.
  • Do not be alarmed, this is the skin’s way of telling you it’s healing and will go away within a couple of days.
  • Apply a sunscreen with Zinc Oxide and/or Titanium Dioxide daily. Be sure to protect the treated area from the sun – both indoors and outdoors. Use as much protective wear as possible, such as: sunglasses, hats, face mask(covering), sunscreen, etc.
  • Applying ice to the treated area in 20 minute intervals the day of the procedure, and the following day to reduce swelling and the sensation of heat is recommended.
  • Peak times for swelling usually occur 12-24 hours after your first session.
  • If your treated area is on your face, sleeping with your head elevated at night for a couple of nights will aid in minimizing it.
  • Of course, swelling varies from person to person, some individuals will experience severe swelling and others may experience nothing at all.
  • Do not rub, pick, or wipethe treated area
  • Treated areas will heal darker and may appear to look worse before complete healing.

(results after 3 PicoWay laser dark spot removal sessions)

If you want to learn more about what our PicoWay Lasers can do for you, give us a call at 613-880-5485. Our laser technicians will be more than happy to assist you in your skincare journey. Or you can visit us at 1530 Merivale Road. Unit 211 Nepean, Ontario, and we can give you a free consultation on whichever area of your skin you deem to be a problem. 

See you soon!

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